Don’t eat that! (Foreign Body Removal)

Pussy Sparkles presented to us in a very depressed state having vomited a small piece of green ribbon a few hours earlier.

Given that the ribbon drawer was missing significantly more green ribbon than what had been vomited up and poor Pussy’s deteriorating demeanour it was suspected that a sizeable amount of ribbon remained in his stomach and intestine.

Radiographs demonstrated a bundle of foreign body within Pussy Sparkles’ stomach allowing us to make the decision to operate.

Pussy sparkles underwent a gastrostomy to remove a generous amount of green ribbon. (Depicted here with Veterinary Surgeon Katie Rose & RVN Hannah.

After a day of fluid therapy post-surgery and some medication, lovely Pussy Sparkles has returned to his usual beautiful self.


Thanks to the quick work of our team and our expert equipment, we were able to remove all the ribbon as shown here.

If you believe your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t have, please contact us immediately via the button below.


Poultry Surgery